O autoru

Prof. dr. sc. Miroslav Huzjak rođen je 1969.g. u Zagrebu. Završio je Školu primijenjenih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, odsjek grafičkih tehnika. Diplomirao je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu, na nastavničkom odjelu, u grafičkoj klasi prof. Ivice Šiška. Radio je kao profesor likovne kulture na osnovnoj školi, a od 1996. radi na Učiteljskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na Odsjeku za izobrazbu učitelja kao predavač iz metodike likovne kulture. Sudjelovao je kao predavač i voditelj likovnih aktivnosti na 3. i 4. Ljetnoj školi djece i mladeži Roma u Zagrebu i autor i voditelj dječje likovne radionice "Duga". Član je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika (HDLU), Zadruge likovnih umjetnika Hrvatske (LIKUM), i Hrvatske udruge nastavnika likovnih umjetnosti (HUNLU). Objavljuje stripove i ilustracije, izlagao je na više samostalnih i grupnih izložaba. Organizator je tri izložbe dječjih radova.
Magistrirao je s temom "E-učenje u cjeloživotnom obrazovanju učitelja primarnog obrazovanja - nastavni predmet likovna kultura". Doktorirao je s temom "Utjecaj međupredmetnog povezivanja na uspješnost učenika pri učenju Likovne kulture" u Ljubljani, Slovenija. Autor je udžbenika iz likovne kulture "Učimo gledati 1 - 8" i "Moje boje 5-8" s CD-ima, priručnika za nastavnike, mapa reprodukcija "Učimo gledati 1-4", i likovne mape papira s didaktičkim materijalom.


Veslačka 13, 10000 Zagreb


kvadrata II
Galerija CEKAO,
  Full professor PhD Miroslav Huzjak was born in 1969 in Zagreb, Croatia, where he lives and works. After finishing Applied Arts High School, he enrolled the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb, where he has received a bachelor's degree at the Graphics Department. Since then he has been working as a primary school art teacher, and since 1996 he holds the position of arts education professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb. He wrote his post graduate thesis on E-learning in Lifelong Primary Art Teachers' Education. The subject of his PhD is Influence of Intersubject Connection on Student's Learning Performance in Art Education.
Professor Huzjak has successfully launched and conducted the children's art workshop known as project Rainbow, and has taken part as a lecturer and art workshops conductor at the summer school for Roma children in Zagreb. Also, he publishes comics and illustrations. His work has been exhibited at a number of autonomous and collective exhibitions, and he himself has organized and curated exhibitions of children's art.
Apart from his scientific publications, Huzjak is the author of the primary school arts handbook Learning to Look, as well as the author of the website on arts education in primary school. He is an active member of the following associations: Croatian Association of Fine Arts (HDLU), Croatian Visual Artists Association (LIKUM), and Croatian Arts Teachers Association (HUNLU), and International Society of Education through Art (INSEA).


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