Art culture

line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
line 5
line 6
line 7
line 8
line 9
line 10
LINE 11:

On quiz!

Rembrandt van Rijn:


Vincent Van Gogh:

subject: girl
   subject: pine trees

Now you have seen the drawings instead of just looking at them.
Let's revise once more what kinds of lines are there in both drawings:

Rembrandt: Sleeping girl :
Lines flow is straight and slightly curved;
They are thick and thin by character.
They are uneven, rough, and scratched;
They are contour lines by meaning.
Vincent Van Gogh: Pine trees :
The lines are curves (rather curved);
They are short, incoherent by character,
They are even, smooth, and tight;
They are structural lines by meaning.
On quiz!