of square
of users: send
us your compositions!
for saving and
sending your artworks
made in a web-engine can not be saved, therefore we suggest two alternative
ways of saving them and sending them to this gallery so everyone can
see them:
1. If you do not have Photoshop
After completed image and signature press the button "Print Screen".
In Windows under Start choose Programs. Under Accessories choose program
Paint. Under File choose New. Answer the question with Yes. You have
an image of a whole page. Among tool icons choose the second one -broken
rectangular (Select). Frame only your image. Under Edit choose Cut (or
Ctrl+X); your image is gone. Under File choose New, on question Save
changes to untitled? answer with No. In Edit choose Paste and answer
the question with Yes. Now you have only your image on the screen. If
it's needed, you can adjust the size of the white background to your
image size by using the black square in the corner of the background.
In File choose Save as... Choose the folder in which you save images
and save the image as 24-bit Bitmap (saved like this it has size of
200Kb). Send the image as Attach file by e-mail.
2. If you have Photoshop
After completed image and signature press the button "Print Screen".
In Photoshop under File choose New. A window will open up with suggested
size and resolution of image - press OK. A blank paper will open up.
Under Edit choose Paste (or press Ctrl+V). On the paper appears the
image of a whole screen. Among tool icons choose the first one - broken
rectangular (Rectangular Marquee Tool), or press M. Frame only your
image. Under Image choose Crop; now the background is cleared and only
your image remained. Under File choose Save a Copy and save image in
JPEG form (on the question about Quality choose 10, Maximum; it uses
around 50Kb). Remember where you saved your image. Send it as Attach
file by e-mail.